Sunday, May 26, 2019

Poe vs. Dickens

Poe vs. deuce (Battle of Authors) Edgar Allen Poe has a better way of describing his emotions on to paper, his specter is dark and depressing yet gives into a little anger here and there. Charles the Tempter has also dark and emotional stories growing up poor he must have a few little glimpses of pain but he became wealthy in time. Poe was born wealthy and became poor as he grew older, and if that was not enough sadness, every loved one he had died most of tuberculosis so he drank and wrote stories to cope with the pain of being alone and loveless.Poe of all time introduced his characters as the ones with murderous intent and seeking revenge against a person who maybe insulted the m in a way. Dickens starts his stories with characters but his characters werent mad they were normal going about their lives, Poes stories always had an amazing plot and a killer with some thrills, horrifying thoughts, and vivid pictures that he painted with his words.Some stories had characters who w ise(p) their lessons and became a better person, they get second chances in Charles stories yet in Poes if you treat the main character wrong, you will most likely die, I am referring to The Cask of Amontillado. Dickens has mostly emotional tones that end with happiness and rainbows, Poe had almost no happy stories, his tone was anger, confusion, sadness, betrayal, and mysterious, such as in the rule book The Tell Tale Heart.Poe wrote about murder often that mostly gave off the feeling of fear you could feel every last word counter inside you as he continued to describe in great detail murders that came from his own mind, I havent read any Dickens books like that. Dickens stories have a great deal of foreshadowing in them, he always had kept the audience guessing what was going to fleet next, Poe also used foreshadowing ,his story The Raven. Tapping at my chamber door Only this and nothing more (Stanza 1 line 5/6). Dickens mostly used the theme of lessons, you do something wrong, learn lesson, problem fixed.Comparing Poe to Dickens is like comparing a graveyard to a hospital, sure they have a few similarities but its missing something, Poes lesson was dont mess with people, if you hurt someone you will hurt right back, or to vomit it in simple terms equivalent exchange. Dickens was a great author but compared to Poe his books should be read in a preschools, Edgar Allen Poe was ahead of his time, his desire dared to reach into the darkest depths of his mind, he brought nightmares to life and completely changed the meaning of sadness, I believe Poe was one of the greatest authors of all time.

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