Friday, May 31, 2019

Driving A Cab :: Expository Cause Effect Essays

Driving A Cab   The effects of driving a cab brook quit greatly. Meeting different kinds of people is a major factor when driving a cab. Being confined as a driver of a can effect health conditions. Car trouble can be a problem if the car is non taken c be of properly. Violence can be the consequence of selectioning up the wrong kind of person. Lucky Miller is a 24 years old, part-time cab driver who explains how driving a cab has many different effects his life and health.   Interesting, live and colorful people, as Lucky would say, ride in his cab as a egress Lucky meets many of them. One woman he picked up claimed her countrymen were being held captive on the OHargon landing strip, and she would like to go there. He thought she was cast of wacky and knew she wouldnt stay in the cab. He told her he could only take her as far as the terminal gate. Thats not good enough, she told Lucky as she hoped out. Lucky often drives businessman to work, he discovered t hat they do not like to talk that much, it disturbs them. They are usually involved with their policies or whatever they are trying to work on or sell. Younger females do not like to engage in talk either. Lucky thinks they have a fear, which is not talking to strange men. As a result of this, Lucky does not start conversations very often, he waits for his passengers to initiate anything.   Violence is a problem that of all time lurks in the back of a cab drivers mind. Since a driver can not fully tell if a person is good or bad, they are never quite sure whom to pick up. One time Lucky picked up a man, who was wearing a nice shirt and slacks, who did not assure like a threat at all. They had an amiable conversation the whole trip. The man started talking to Lucky, therefore he did not think anything of the conversation. When they reached their destination, the man pulled a gun on Lucky, and said give me your money or Ill kill you. This was an eye opener for Lucky, which changed his attitude about whom he would or would not pick up.

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