Thursday, May 30, 2019

Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Essay -- Pride and Prej

Analysis of Pride and blemish by Jane AustenIt centers on the senior sisters of the Bennet family, Jane andElizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles ofpride and prejudice play a large part in the development of theirindividual relationships. The spirited Elizabeth and softhearted Janehave to deal with non exclusively their own feelings but also the status oftheir family, both of which affect the outcomes of their marriages.The struggle is very believable and realistic because the story takesplace a coherent time ago. The way people interact with each other todayis quite different than how they would interact with each other backthen.Pride and Prejudice is an appropriate name for the book. These notionspermeate the novel thoroughly, especially in the views of Elizabethand Darcy. Janes temperance does not allow for these qualities toexist in her personality. Mr. Darcy is characterized as a proud,haughty, arrogant earthly concern and ends up almost immediately alienatinghimself from the townspeople. This opinion arises after he refuses todance with the young ladies who have attended the ball and his obviousreluctance to conversation to anyone. His pride was said to come from hisextreme wealth.Our first introduction to pride and prejudice is at a ball Mr. Bingleythrows. His sisters and a dear friend of his, Mr. Darcy, take afterhim. Eighteenth-century England was quite preoccupied with status,especially concerning wealth and reputation. Darcys reluctance tospeak with anyone stemmed from his lack of respect for anyone outsidehis close-knit circle. His good breeding was obvious only to thosewhom he knew well. Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy for entirelydifferent reasons. She rec... ...l fortune of her own, as did Mr.Bennet. They did not love each other but stayed together, proving toan extent the family values of the time. Mrs. Collins marry for thesake of getting married and settling down. Her desire to have a familyof her own ov errode the many failings of the man she married.Fortunately some marriages were based on love. Jane and Elizabeth fix the perfect matches. Their beaus were good, principled,financially secure men. Austen presents the two major contrastingtypes of marriages. Both kinds reflect the mentality of that timeperiod. I enjoyed this book immensely. Jane Austens style of writingdelights me. Her trim may not be profound but it is insightful, andlight-hearted. Her characters are distinct and universal. Elizabeth isone of my favorite literary characters. Her confidence, wit and spiritcan only be enjoyed.

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