Friday, May 31, 2019

Driving A Cab :: Expository Cause Effect Essays

Driving A Cab   The effects of driving a cab brook quit greatly. Meeting different kinds of people is a major factor when driving a cab. Being confined as a driver of a can effect health conditions. Car trouble can be a problem if the car is non taken c be of properly. Violence can be the consequence of selectioning up the wrong kind of person. Lucky Miller is a 24 years old, part-time cab driver who explains how driving a cab has many different effects his life and health.   Interesting, live and colorful people, as Lucky would say, ride in his cab as a egress Lucky meets many of them. One woman he picked up claimed her countrymen were being held captive on the OHargon landing strip, and she would like to go there. He thought she was cast of wacky and knew she wouldnt stay in the cab. He told her he could only take her as far as the terminal gate. Thats not good enough, she told Lucky as she hoped out. Lucky often drives businessman to work, he discovered t hat they do not like to talk that much, it disturbs them. They are usually involved with their policies or whatever they are trying to work on or sell. Younger females do not like to engage in talk either. Lucky thinks they have a fear, which is not talking to strange men. As a result of this, Lucky does not start conversations very often, he waits for his passengers to initiate anything.   Violence is a problem that of all time lurks in the back of a cab drivers mind. Since a driver can not fully tell if a person is good or bad, they are never quite sure whom to pick up. One time Lucky picked up a man, who was wearing a nice shirt and slacks, who did not assure like a threat at all. They had an amiable conversation the whole trip. The man started talking to Lucky, therefore he did not think anything of the conversation. When they reached their destination, the man pulled a gun on Lucky, and said give me your money or Ill kill you. This was an eye opener for Lucky, which changed his attitude about whom he would or would not pick up.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Essay -- Pride and Prej

Analysis of Pride and blemish by Jane AustenIt centers on the senior sisters of the Bennet family, Jane andElizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles ofpride and prejudice play a large part in the development of theirindividual relationships. The spirited Elizabeth and softhearted Janehave to deal with non exclusively their own feelings but also the status oftheir family, both of which affect the outcomes of their marriages.The struggle is very believable and realistic because the story takesplace a coherent time ago. The way people interact with each other todayis quite different than how they would interact with each other backthen.Pride and Prejudice is an appropriate name for the book. These notionspermeate the novel thoroughly, especially in the views of Elizabethand Darcy. Janes temperance does not allow for these qualities toexist in her personality. Mr. Darcy is characterized as a proud,haughty, arrogant earthly concern and ends up almost immediately alienatinghimself from the townspeople. This opinion arises after he refuses todance with the young ladies who have attended the ball and his obviousreluctance to conversation to anyone. His pride was said to come from hisextreme wealth.Our first introduction to pride and prejudice is at a ball Mr. Bingleythrows. His sisters and a dear friend of his, Mr. Darcy, take afterhim. Eighteenth-century England was quite preoccupied with status,especially concerning wealth and reputation. Darcys reluctance tospeak with anyone stemmed from his lack of respect for anyone outsidehis close-knit circle. His good breeding was obvious only to thosewhom he knew well. Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy for entirelydifferent reasons. She rec... ...l fortune of her own, as did Mr.Bennet. They did not love each other but stayed together, proving toan extent the family values of the time. Mrs. Collins marry for thesake of getting married and settling down. Her desire to have a familyof her own ov errode the many failings of the man she married.Fortunately some marriages were based on love. Jane and Elizabeth fix the perfect matches. Their beaus were good, principled,financially secure men. Austen presents the two major contrastingtypes of marriages. Both kinds reflect the mentality of that timeperiod. I enjoyed this book immensely. Jane Austens style of writingdelights me. Her trim may not be profound but it is insightful, andlight-hearted. Her characters are distinct and universal. Elizabeth isone of my favorite literary characters. Her confidence, wit and spiritcan only be enjoyed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Women and the American Revolution Essay -- Essays on American Revoluti

Women generally did not fight in the revolution, and the traditional status of Eighteenth Century women meant that they were not publicly able to participate amply in the debates over the revolution. However, in their own sphere, and sometimes out of it, woman participated fully in the revolution in all the modalitys that their status and routine allowed.As the public debate over the Townshend Acts grew more virulent, women showed their support for the cause of freedom by engaging in certain "feminine" pursuits. A roughhewn practice was to publicly ban English imports, especially tea, from their homes. Creating homespun, that is, the tedious creation of homemade fabric from spinning and weaving their own cloth, was another public way of showing support for the cause of freedom.During the American Revolution, many women were directly affected by the fighting since their father or brothers or husband or sons were take fighting. This meant that the women often had to take full responsibility for the family farm or business. More and more women became "deputy husbands" and represented the family in legal or commercial transactions. In some instances, as the fighting came close to their lands, women even had to take up arms to defend their person or property when the occasion demanded. Several women in Groton, Massachussetts, put on their husbands clothing, armed themselves with muskets and pitchforks and defended the Nashua River Bridge. They captured a notoriou...

gatcolor Color Code in The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays

The Color Code in The Great Gatsby   The Great Gatsby is full of symbolism. Colours, for example, ar used to represent many different things round even represent a theme of the novel. White, yellow, grey, green are just some of the colours which Fitzgerald uses in a special way, because each of these colours has a special meaning, different from the ones we regularly know or use.   White is a colour which appears many magazines throughout the novel. At get-go, it is used to describe Daisy. The first thing come off mentions when he sees Daisy in East Egg is that she is wearing a neat dress. This colour is related to Daisy, it is her colour. Daisy´s clothes are always white, her car is white, she even speaks about her white childhood. This colour represents her purity, her innocence, her unperturbed self.   But white is not as innocent as it seems...When Gatsby takes scratch for a ride in his car, he is stopped by a policeman. Gatsby acts fast and sho ws the officer a white card, and the latter immediately excuses himself. At first, Gatsby makes Nick believe that it was a Christmas card sent to him by the commissioner, but later on we learn that Gatsby had bribed the police officer. So, in contrast, white also represents corruption.   White endure also be related to Tom, who is the perfect example of a racist man. He believes that black people should disappear, and is very concerned about a al-Quran he has recently read called The Rise of the Coloured Empire. He believes that white is the superior race. So, black and white are used to show how racism touch on people from the high classes at that time. While riding in Gatsby´s car, Nick sees a limousine driven by a white chauffeur and ridden by black passengers, members of the high society. This shows how strongly black people fought to conquer or fulfil their so-called American Dream, which at that time was even more difficult for black people (former slav es) than for white ones.   Another important colour, which calls our attention at the beginning, when we meet Gatsby, is green. When Nick sees Gatsby for the first time in his backyard, he notices that Gatsby is looking intensely at a green light in the distance, with his arms stretched towards it, as if trying to reach it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Lower Legal Drinking Age Essay -- essays research papers fc

Since the states increased their drinking age to 21 in 1987, every citizen of this country between the ages of 18 and 20 have been oppressed by the very people elected to power to protect their rights. It is evident that the wakeless drinking age among Americans should be lowered to the legal age of adulthood, 18 years. At this age, any American can marry without their Parents approval and can move out of their guardians house and live on their own. Why are these adults deprived of their right to consume inebriant? A police officer unexpectedly arrived at a party where many young adults were drinking alcoholic beverages. He asked to see two young gentlemens identification to prove that they were of legal age to be consuming. Both were respectable citizens. Neither had caused a disturbance or been involved in any trouble. They both were voters, they were peaceful and respectful, they were both registered for the selective services, as every 18-year-old man is required to do, and bo th paid their taxes. However, since wholeness of the men was only 20 years of age, he was issued a citation that cost him over one hundred and seventy five dollars and he lost his privileges to drive a car for an entire year. The other, who was 21, was of course allowed to continue on without further interferences. The issue presented in this scenario is a very serious problem today and threatens the very liberties that make this country so exemplary. There may not be one conceivable or plausible reason why this age group is lawfully bound from having a beer after graduation or a glass of champagne on their wedding day, yet everyday more and more Americans are arrested or cited for practicing what should be a legal prerogative. Many young adults face these innate in solelyices on an account of this unwarranted restriction that so unjustly harasses them.There is a simple and agreeable solution to this matter. The government should revise the law anchor to what it was years ago. M ost states in the 1970s had a legal drinking age of 18, 19, or 20, the majority of those being 18 years of age. According to Daniel N. Allen, M.A., David G. Sprenkel, M.A., and Patrick A. Vitale, Ph. D., ever-changing the age limit for one to consume alcohol in the eighties was a failure in its mission to control drinking and lower deaths from alcohol related automobile accidents. Statistics hav... ... and to preserve our meticulous way of life. When the government is not protecting the rights of its citizens, reform is most definitely required and so it is needed here. The fall in States is the only country with a minimum drinking age above 20. It is the highest and most absurd of any state in the world. Our free country just does not seem so free if its people cannot partake in something as simple as a glass of wine with their dinner. It is time for the American community to regain and to keep hold of their much-deserved rights.Works CitedAllen, D. N., Sprenkel, D. G., and Vital e, P. A. Reactance Theory and alcoholic drink ConsumptionLaws Further Confirmation Among Collegiate Alcohol Consumers. Journal of Studieson Alcohol 55 (1994) 34-40.Hanson, David J., Ph. D. The Legal Drinking Age Science or Ideology. Alcohol Problemsand Solutions. 8 Nov. 2001. .---, The United States of America. International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture. Ed. Dwight B. Heath. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1995. 300-315.

Lower Legal Drinking Age Essay -- essays research papers fc

Since the states increased their drinking age to 21 in 1987, every(prenominal) citizen of this country between the ages of 18 and 20 have been oppressed by the very people elected to power to protect their rights. It is evident that the profound drinking age among Americans should be lowered to the legal age of adulthood, 18 years. At this age, any American can marry without their Parents approval and can move out of their guardians house and live on their own. Why are these adults deprived of their right to consume alcoholic beverage? A police officer unexpectedly arrived at a party where many young adults were drinking alcoholic beverages. He asked to see two young gentlemens identification to prove that they were of legal age to be consuming. Both were respectable citizens. Neither had caused a disturbance or been involved in any trouble. They both were voters, they were peaceful and respectful, they were both registered for the selective services, as every 18-year-old man is r equired to do, and both paid their taxes. However, since iodin of the men was only 20 years of age, he was issued a citation that cost him over one hundred and seventy five dollars and he lost his privileges to drive a car for an entire year. The other, who was 21, was of course allowed to continue on without further interferences. The issue presented in this scenario is a very serious problem today and threatens the very liberties that make this country so exemplary. There may not be one credible or plausible reason why this age group is lawfully bound from having a beer after graduation or a glass of bubbly on their wedding day, yet everyday more and more Americans are arrested or cited for practicing what should be a legal prerogative. Many young adults face these peak in scarcelyices on an account of this unwarranted restriction that so unjustly harasses them.There is a simple and agreeable solution to this matter. The government should revise the law indorse to what it was years ago. Most states in the 1970s had a legal drinking age of 18, 19, or 20, the majority of those being 18 years of age. According to Daniel N. Allen, M.A., David G. Sprenkel, M.A., and Patrick A. Vitale, Ph. D., ever-changing the age limit for one to consume alcohol in the eighties was a failure in its mission to control drinking and lower deaths from alcohol related automobile accidents. Statistics hav... ... and to preserve our meticulous way of life. When the government is not protecting the rights of its citizens, reform is most definitely required and so it is needed here. The join States is the only country with a minimum drinking age above 20. It is the highest and most absurd of any state in the world. Our free country just does not seem so free if its people cannot partake in something as simple as a glass of wine with their dinner. It is time for the American community to regain and to keep hold of their much-deserved rights.Works CitedAllen, D. N., Sprenkel, D. G., and Vitale, P. A. Reactance Theory and intoxicant ConsumptionLaws Further Confirmation Among Collegiate Alcohol Consumers. Journal of Studieson Alcohol 55 (1994) 34-40.Hanson, David J., Ph. D. The Legal Drinking Age Science or Ideology. Alcohol Problemsand Solutions. 8 Nov. 2001. .---, The United States of America. International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture. Ed. Dwight B. Heath. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1995. 300-315.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The exchange took only less than ten minutes

We do non flip to be a college graduate to be contendledge suitable nearly the world and its dealings, we just reach to be street smart and keen. We do not require to be superman to possess the strengths that will be able to bring down a 20-foot building we just have to believe that we hold the courage and the strength to deal with our daily tribulations. We do not have to be the president of the United States to have all the answers to our questions we just have to keep on looking and never give up. We just have to rule a acknowledge.These things I learned when I became independent. It was a rather difficult time and I was about to give up, but then I realized I have to go through this. It was one Sunday morning and I had no classes, but I was feeling rather weak so I decided to go to the nearest clinic and get myself checked up on. It was a busy day there, perhaps because most people do not have to go to work on Sundays and get him or herself checked up by the physician.Whil e waiting, I sat in the corridor beside this elderly woman who reminded me of my grandmother. We had a polished conversation and I must admit that I had difficulties in trying to converse because English is not my native tongue, but she probably tried to study me, and I learned more things about life that I can possibly ever learn cramped up in my small plaza studying.The exchange took only less than ten minutes, for she was called in the doctors room already, but what she told me could have changed my whole perspective in life, and it has. She told me that she grew up not knowing what she indigenceed out of life, that she took her life for granted and that if she could turn back time to my age, she would live. She said that she never explored, that she was always sheltered, and that her parents always gave her what she unavoidablenessed, not even asking why.She told me that she wants to cry and lecture every single adolescent that she sees because she can see how they are thr owing their lives away, as if they could live it back when they wanted to. I did not know whether to start an argument with her because of this, but I just let her talk. She told me that if she could have been more independent and had not spent every single penny that was tending(p) to her she could have been much more satisfied.I looked at her keenly, and I noticed that she did not look shabby in fact, she looked like someone who eats three times a day and can afford to be looked at in a clinic like this. Her last statement was the one that I would never forget.She take a firm stand that it was not enough for us to just live, because what is the use of living when one does not feel alive. I believe that she meant that she was living her life, but she was living it aimlessly, with no direction. Perhaps it is because of the unending luxuries that were given to her that she took for granted.Alternatively, maybe it is because of her sheltered life that she cannot think of a purpose. Nevertheless, I understood what she meant by not feeling alive. Sometimes, because I have been so busy doing my routine I have stopped feeling alive. I go to school, I attend to my work and my needs, I sleep, and I eat. I do nothing with passion, I just breathe.Yes, it was just a few fleeting exchanges of words, but I was able to see it in her eyes the atone of not living all those years, of not being curious enough to seek independence, of not trying to do things that one is passionate about. I want to change, I want to be spontaneous sometimes, I want to do something that I am passionate about.I want to excel in my studies I want to do something that I thought I would never do in a thousand years. I want to be independent and challenge myself to fall upon greatness in spite and despite of the obstacles that are being thrown in front of me. I do not just want to live I want to feel alive. And all this was inspired by a few moments that I had with this old woman in the corrid

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Poe vs. Dickens

Poe vs. deuce (Battle of Authors) Edgar Allen Poe has a better way of describing his emotions on to paper, his specter is dark and depressing yet gives into a little anger here and there. Charles the Tempter has also dark and emotional stories growing up poor he must have a few little glimpses of pain but he became wealthy in time. Poe was born wealthy and became poor as he grew older, and if that was not enough sadness, every loved one he had died most of tuberculosis so he drank and wrote stories to cope with the pain of being alone and loveless.Poe of all time introduced his characters as the ones with murderous intent and seeking revenge against a person who maybe insulted the m in a way. Dickens starts his stories with characters but his characters werent mad they were normal going about their lives, Poes stories always had an amazing plot and a killer with some thrills, horrifying thoughts, and vivid pictures that he painted with his words.Some stories had characters who w ise(p) their lessons and became a better person, they get second chances in Charles stories yet in Poes if you treat the main character wrong, you will most likely die, I am referring to The Cask of Amontillado. Dickens has mostly emotional tones that end with happiness and rainbows, Poe had almost no happy stories, his tone was anger, confusion, sadness, betrayal, and mysterious, such as in the rule book The Tell Tale Heart.Poe wrote about murder often that mostly gave off the feeling of fear you could feel every last word counter inside you as he continued to describe in great detail murders that came from his own mind, I havent read any Dickens books like that. Dickens stories have a great deal of foreshadowing in them, he always had kept the audience guessing what was going to fleet next, Poe also used foreshadowing ,his story The Raven. Tapping at my chamber door Only this and nothing more (Stanza 1 line 5/6). Dickens mostly used the theme of lessons, you do something wrong, learn lesson, problem fixed.Comparing Poe to Dickens is like comparing a graveyard to a hospital, sure they have a few similarities but its missing something, Poes lesson was dont mess with people, if you hurt someone you will hurt right back, or to vomit it in simple terms equivalent exchange. Dickens was a great author but compared to Poe his books should be read in a preschools, Edgar Allen Poe was ahead of his time, his desire dared to reach into the darkest depths of his mind, he brought nightmares to life and completely changed the meaning of sadness, I believe Poe was one of the greatest authors of all time.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Childcare Center Director Essay

Do you enjoy working with children? Is a question that I like to think of when it comes to working in the field dealing with the responsibilities of taking foreboding of children. Today, there are more needs for children to be taking care of and l createing about why it is so beta to nominate a acceptable education. I give the bounce remember when I was about ten or eleven eld old, I use to babysit children during the summer, I would teach them their ABCs, how to count, and agnize numbers, shapes, sizes, and their colors. Being a child care Center theater director is my dream career, because I wanted to ensure that my children pass on be taught and learn why it is so important in having a good education. I forget not only bedevil a Childcare Center to sit and watch children near to earn an income, I want to ensure the parents that my Center will benefit their child or children that this is an educational center as rise.Today, Childcare Directors are among one of the high est stipendiary job in the United States, according to the http// (visited December 19, 2012). Childcare Directors are expected to grow by eight percent between the years of 2008-2018.A Preschool and Childcare Center Directors is an institution of early childhood education for children between the ages of three-to-five year old. Directing a Preschool/Childcare Center is exhausting and can also be complicated at times when you have a problem that involves the matter with a parent and one of your employees. It is your responsibility to make that your supply understands the responsibility in handle and dealing with problems that have occurred. It is a dedicated job, but you must have the desire love and work with childrens.What do they do as a Director? Is one of many question people tends to ask and wonder about. Being a Childcare Director is not just a job sitting behind a desk, they have many responsibilities to t end to such as, providing a clean, safe and educational environment. For example, they have to hire and learning staffs, communicate with the parents, employee and childrens on a day-to-day base. But the most important of their job is to ensure that the staff is well trained and that they are well qualified to meet and follow the centers rules and guidelines. They have to make sure that they comply with the state and federal laws.To be a Childcare Director they also must meet certain requirements that are set among the state laws, depending on the fix and state that you desire to work in. According to the Texas Department of Family and contraceptive Services ( , that anyone serving as an administrator of a Childcare Center in Texas must hold a Childcare Administration License. Depending on the location or state, you have different requirements and standards to meet. The Directors are necessary to have at least a Bachelors Degree, some even required to have M asters Degree. Being a Childcare Director you have the opportunity to earn a certification but you are not required to have one.According to the Bureau of Labor ( the highest paying states in Childcare Center Director are District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New York, California, and Alaska. Comparing to others daycare positions a Daycare Directors have the highest wages, they have almost 20,000 more per year than just been a Daycare Center employee. You can at least expect to glaring out between $39,000 to almost 43,000 a year, in which that means you making between $20.00 to $22.00 an hour. Since Childcare Directors have the responsibility of the financial management of the centers, with their salaries this means that they will be able to develop a budget, manage the accounting and over sees accounts, payable and receivable.Being a Childcare Directors plays a major role in the world today. As you can see working as a Childcare Director is not just a sit down or workin g behind a desk job, you have to be active, ensuring parents that your center is not only a Childcare center, but a center to where their child will be taught and learn the basic of what it will take for them to have a better education. You are the sole owner and responsible for whatever goes on in your facility under your care, rather it is setting up meetings, dealing with the parents or seeing about the children. You are responsible from the time your doors are open until closing. So as you can see that why I love to work with children, because I want to make sure that once they leave my daycare, they can have something to look forward the next and to their future.ReferencesBureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Human Resources Managers, on the Internet at http// (visited December 19, 2012).Preschool and Childcare Center Directors pic. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition.Preshcool directer Job description and requirements. (2003-2012). Retrieved from http// of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, the Internet at http// (visited December 19, 2012).http// copyright 2003- 2012 All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. pichttp//

Friday, May 24, 2019

Individualized Education Program Essay

All barbarianren and young volume befool rights. Most references to rights atomic add up 18 ab appear what is recieved to peasantren from others, particularly from their p bents and the goverenment and its agencies. Children and young people with exceptional educational c on the whole for bugger off a unique knowledge of their own c either for and circumstances and their own views about what sort of help they would like to help them give way the most of their education.They should, where possible, participate in all the decision- devising processes in education including the setting of learnedness targets and nobbletributing to IEPs, discussions about choice of tames, contributing to the efficacious opinion of their invites and to the annual review and transition processes They should feel confident that they go out be listened to and that their views atomic number 18 valued. Most enlightens now have written policies and parts of their mission statements specific ally realize for the inclusion and equivalence of SEN fryren.They essential be in written form and should also be posted on the website for access to all who convey it. there should also be policies which show the rights and responsibilities of those within the purlieu. The policies may be a number of separate ones or combined in one policy masking piece all the relevant aras. The policies should show how the instruct relates to the main policies affecting the special educational needs. These include- * Dis competency and access * Gifted and talented pupils * Race and cultural diversity.* Special educational needs * inclusion body and e spirit of opportunity * Safeguarding and bullying Special Needs is such a massive topic that has different areas to make it complete. Children with special needs may have mild learning disabilities or profound impairment food allergies or terminal illness developmental delays that understanding up quickly, occasional panic attacks or serious psychiatric problems. The designation is muster inmentful for getting needed services, setting appropriate goals, and gaining understanding for a child and stressed family.Children with special needs are children with a variety of different disabilities, health and mental health conditions that require special handling, services, or curb. Parenting a child with special needs chiffonier be particularly challenging. Fortunately, children with special needs and their families may be eligible for services to address their unique needs, many of which are free. Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational preparedness to be made for them.Children have a learning difficulty if they a) have a signifi abidetly great difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age b) have a deterrent which prevents them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally bequeathd for children o f the same age in schools within the area of the topical anesthetic education authority c) are under compulsory school age and fall within the definition at (a) or (b) above or would so do if special educational provision was not made for them.The overall aim is that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities will have improved health, independence and offbeat so that they will enjoy childhood, achieve their potential and make a collateral contribution in their lives by having timely access to local computer backup and local schools which meet their needs. Special educational provision means a) for children of two or over, educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of their age in schools maintained by the local education authority, other than special schools, in the area.b) for children under two, educational provision of any kind. Some children may be able to c atch up with their peers with extra help in the form of short term targeted interventions or a differentiated curriculum, but may not have a special educational need. It is when this stand up does not help a pupil to progress that he or she will need to be assessed further and software documentation course of studyned, in liaison with parents, carers and other professionals. The child should have a voice in this process. at that place is a graduated approach to identifying and providing arrest to meet these needs.The law says the child has special needs if their learning difficulties are caused by physcially disabilites mental emotional and behaviour problems difficulties in reading, writing maths etc speech diffiulities About 1 in 5 children have learning difficuties at the same time in thie school likfe. Most of these children end up going to a mainsteam school. Children with statement aften atten mainstram school. The Role of the SENCO Early education settings, except speci aliser SEN provision, will need to identify a memberof staff to act as the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO).In the case of accredited childminders who are part of an approved net lead, the SENCO role may be shared betwixt individual childminders and the coordinator of the network. The SENCO should have responsibility for ? ensuring liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of children with special educational needs ? advising and sustenance other practitioners in the setting ? ensuring that appropriate Individual Education Plans are in place ? ensuring that relevant background information about individual children with special educational needs is collected, recorded and updated.The SENCO should take the go past in further assessment of the childs particular strengths and weaknesses in cookery future support for the child in discussion with colleagues and in monitoring and reviewing the bodily process taken. The SENCO should also amke sure that appro priate records are kept including a record of children at school Action A and School Action Plus and those with statements. They usually responsible for the child should remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and for planning and delivering an individualised programme.Parents should always be consulted and kept informed of the action taken to help the child, and of the outcome of this action. STATEMENT A statement of special edcuaution needs is a legal document, it decsribes all the needs of the child. Also the special help they require. It takes into account the advice from speech therapist, gp, nurses, instructor councilors etc. The law sasy that all state schhols must do their best, provide full proper education and give the best posible learning for them including inclusion.The law has dealt with special education needs 1993 ducation Actwhich replaces the 1981 Act. The 1993 Act states and issues the code of dedicate.This was issues by the secreatary sta te and is still being used today. CODE OF PRACTICE Code of pull gives quidence and how to identfy and access special educational needs. In 1978 the warnock committee looked at the needs of the child and not at the handicap. In 1982 the educatio Act encouraged the intigration of the needs and the handicap, This resulted in the statementing process. The Code of Practice suggest 5 stages of action 1. the class teachers, patron identify the child SEN needs and takes ential action 2.the school SEN co ordinator takes the lead responsibility.3. the school is support by outside specializer 4. the lEA decides whesather a satuortory assessment is nesseccary 5. the LEA considers whether a statement is considered. SEN SPECIAL NEEDS STATEMENTING CODE OF PRACTICE IMPACT OF SEN ON SIBLING AND FAMILY SUPPORT FOR DISABILITY HEARING IMPAIRMENT AUTISM attention deficit hyperactivity disorder DOWN SYNDROME DYSLEXIA When a child is identified with a need they are places on a SEN registor withing the schools. Teachers, TA offer support through and through differenciation.They also support through planning IEPs in place with specific subject and cross cirrcular TARGETS. Targets need to be realistic short term, measurables, smart, achievable, time bound. When targets are set novel language has to be used. example of smart language which apprise be easurale MAKE CREATE WRITE DESIGN and words that are not considered as smart UNDERSTAND KNOW SHOW Targets set in the IEP should be SMART, which stands for S specific, so that it is clear what the child should be working towards Mmeasurable, so that it is clear when the target has been achieved Aachievable, for the individual child.Rrelevant, to the childs needs and circumstances Ttime-bound, so that the targets are to be achieved by a specified time divide and subject teachers and TA support IEPs implementation. SENCO is responsibily for planning, monitoring, and reviewing the SEN provision and the school-age child progress. Termly reviews of the progress are ad indorseby those on going minireviews are also very important. 1st step for children who have about special needs SCHOOL ACTION A School action the school is able to meet the pupils needs with in house interventions, staff and resources.Students can move off the school action A IEPs if sufficient progress is achieved. SCHOOL ACTION PLUS School action plus the school is able to meet the pupils needs with in house resources but has support from outside agencies, for example, the local authoritys educational psychologist. It is a school responsibility to get support from external agencies. The students is placed on a SEN registor for school action plus. A new IEP is divised in conjuction with the external agencies. Class teachers and TA support the new IEP or implement it in the class or on a one to one basis.SENCO takes the lead monitoring reviewing, co ordinating. If there is progress made the pupil goes back into school action A. If there is progre ss in school action A then they will be taken off the SEN registor. However if after 2 school action plus reviews, progress is not statutory or has gone worse, the schoolnegoiates with the parent, request the ivolvement of the LEA, asking them to make an assessment. The assessment statutory parents and school, the LEA to undertake a statutory on a child identifying with SEN.The LEA can take up to 6 weeks to consider whether to approve the application. Then the LEA will take 10 weeks to undertake a essay for the SEN child. Lea will request reports, evaluation, assessments from head teachers, teacher, nurses, gp, SENCO, parents and cares. Following the outcome of statutory assessment the LEA takes 2 weeks to notify to the parenst of their intentions whether they will issues a SA or suggest approriate. The statement of SEN is issued by the LEA only when the mainstream school are unable to meet the needs of a child with it exsisting resources and equipment.Parents then recieve a draft statement, then 8 weeks are given to be finanlized. A statementt is a legal document, procedures are put into place to monitor, review, evaluate the childs progress in a school that is fit for the child or purpose. They also support with transport need, dietery needs, aid needs. The statement LEA is then reviewed annually at which point it can be amended or seized according to the child progress. Statement of special educational needs the pupils needs are severe or complex enough to require additional funding and resources to supplement the schools support.Referrals for statutory assessment can be made by the childs school or setting, a parent, or an agency such as a health is The Language of Disability Using the correct termonilogy when discussing the term DISABILITY is important, as use of bad language re enforces stereo types and influnences people attitude. Perhaps the best use of language is deaf and dumb. These words are extermly negative and makes acrossition between deaf and stupidity or having lack of inteligence. It also unlikely that the somebody is totally deaf.In the context of seacking most deaf people have some degree of speech, although this may be limited because of their inability to learn to say words which they can not hear. So they are not dumb. Eg victim of . person who has. crippled by .. person who has. invilid . person with.. mental.. person with. disenable transpose person handicaped.. disabled person deaf and dumb.. person with hearing ocular or speech mongoloid. person with down symdrome ab recipe. different Disability, is a impairment that has a long term and substantial effect on a childs ability may amount to a deterrent.This may include sensory impairments, such as those affecting sight or hearing, or hidden impairments such as dyslexia, autism, speech and language impairments, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 builds on the 1995 Act by requiring all schools to produce a Di sability Equality Scheme (DES). The DES must set out ways that schools promote equality of opportunity and promote positive attitudes towards pupils, sta? and others with disabilities. In addition there must also be an Access Plan.This plan must identify how discriminatory barriers are removed. For example ?an improvement to the personal environment, such as ramps, room layout, lighting ? providing information in di? erent ways for children with a disability, such as audio, pictorial, larger print.Children or young people with health check needs such as diabetes or epilepsy would also be considered to have impairment and therefore be disabled if he or she a) relies on health check treatment or aid in order to able to be able to carry out normal day to day activities (except needing to wear spectacles or contact lenses). b) has a progressive condition (such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or infection) orc) has a severe disfigurement which affects normal day to d ay activities. Legal entitlements Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Protects the rights of all those with disabilities.It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to ensure that individuals can gain equal access to services. Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination.The rights of children and young people with special educational needs and disability are set out in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 . This includes the right to have their needs met without having to wait for a diagnosis. Equally a diagnosis alone does not mean that a child is covered by the act. It is the effect on a childs ability to carry out day to day activities that has to be considered. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for education al providers to dissever against pupils with a special educational need or a disability.The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)11 built the right of children and young people with special educational needs to equality of access to education, and in particular, to a mainstream school. A statutory duty on local authorities and schools not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability. to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage to those who are not disabled. to plan strategically and make progress in improving accessibility for disabled pupils over time, by increasing access to the curriculum making improvements to the physical environment of the school to increase access to education and associated services making written information accessible in a range of different ways for disabled pupils, where it is provided in writing for non-disabled pupils. Race Relations Act 2000 Outlines the duty of organisations to promote honorable relationships between people from different races. Human Rights Act 1998 Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their rights have been affected.Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare Children Act 2004 Sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the fi ve Every Child Matters outcomes Education Act 1996 Sets out the schools responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. The Act also requires schools to provide additional resources, equipment and additional support to meet their needs Equality Act 2010.Sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together nine equality laws The Spec ial Educational Needs Code of Practice 2001 This outlines the statutory counseling for policy and the procedures and responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. It includes the levels of support which should be provided to children, depending upon their individual need. Local authorities and schools are required to develop accessibility strategies and plans to demonstrate this.Children and young people with special educational needs and disability also have a right to have their disability equality positively promoted. Local authorities, schools and educational settings have a duty to take a much proactive approach to promoting disability equality and eliminating discrimination. With this came the requirement to publish disability equality schemes and measure their impact, engage disabled stakeholders, and audit the needs of disabled children and adults within the community. Children with disabilities have poorer outcomes across a range of indicators.These in clude lower educational attainment, poorer health, more difficult transitions to maturity and poorer employment outcomes. Families of disabled children are less likely to have one or both parents in work, and are more likely to suffer family outrage up. Siblings of disabled children may be more likely to suffer from emotional and behavioural problems. WITHIN THE SCHOOL 6. The school must appoint a SEN co ordinator to run a special needs policy 7. By observing, reporting, target, work being set, the SEN co ordinator must keep records and reports of all the children with needs 8.SEN co ordinator has taken lead responsibilty to draw up plans for indiviual childrenthey have to be reviewed each term 9. From sept 1994 all schools were obligied to publish their special need policy. For all the above to work the following conditions within the school environment must exsist. 10. A strong management of head and staff that are committed to speial needs. 11. They need to have unassailable c ommnication and all need to know basis nformation is showed. 12. A whole school approach with everyone following same procedures 13. Inservice breeding, SEN is esstenial (current legisalation, current issues, everything updated) 14.Provision of adaquates, children persecfic resources to support the childs needs, specific to their ability 15. High profile educational needs, teachers should be an important part of their school life However school must be careful not to discriminate against pupils with SEN or disablity. There is a difference between SEN and disability. Not all children with disability will have a special edcuatonal need or visa versa. SEN is a relative term and the need is some what dependant on the learning environment. The effectiveness of training and the task to be done.Early recognition and intervention Early intervention has lasting benefits, providing a sound foundation for future learning and development. It enables some children to catch up with their class mates and for those who need support on a continuing basis it means thatbhelp is available as early as possible, reducing the risk of long-term under achievement.However, there are a number of factors that get in the way, including poor co-ordination between education, health and social care leading to gaps in support, shortfalls in the availability of childcare for disabled children, dif?culties in refocusing funding to support earlier intervention Improving support for children with special needs from birth.Children develop and learn from the moment they are born. The ? rst a couple of(prenominal) years are a crucial developmental phase, which do much to shape a childs life chances. The role of parents in supporting their childs learning in the early years, more than any other phase, is absolutely critical. Improving childcare for children with SEN and disabilities.Parents of children with SEN and disabilities have more dif? culty than others in ?nding commensurate childcare. Ke y points include 16. promoting a co-ordinated approach to early education and childcare 17. improving information on the availability of suitable childcare locally through Childrens Information Services and Childcare Link, and through 18. helping families to meet the additional woos Improving SEN advice and support to early years settings Raising the skills and consciousness of staff in early years settings Removing barriers to learning Inclusion is about much more than the type of school that children attend.It is about the quality of their experience how they are helped to learn, achieve and participate fully in the life of the school. But we know that the reality does not always match this. Schools and early years settings still transform enormously in their experience in working with children with SEN, and in the specialist expertise and resources available to them from other schools, local authority education and social services, health, and uncoerced organisations. Schools should have the con? dence to innovate and with the skills and specialist support they need to meet the needs of all pupils successfully.How do school complete this with the help of local authority, parents, teacher and other specialist is by many ways special schools providing education for children with the most severe and complex needs and overlap their specialist skills and knowledge to support inclusion in mainstream schools schools working together to support the inclusion of all children from their local community, backed up by good quality specialist advice from the local authority and health services, working in multi-disciplinary teams parents with con?dence, that, in choosing a local mainstream school, their child will receive a good education and be a valued member of the school community. help schools to develop effective inclusive practice through a Inclusion Programme bringing together education, health, social care and the impulsive sector provide practical to ols and materials for schools and local authorities to improve access for disabled pupils clarify the future role for special schools, giving a strong focus to high standards and partnership working with mainstream schools and encouragement to participation in full take steps to improve the quality of education for children with more severe behavioural, emotional and social dif? culties work with the SEN to improve planning develop practical guidance on reducing reliance on high cost placements in residential special schools set minimum standards for SEN advisory and support services, to achieve greater soundbox in quality, availability and cost effectiveness. Widening opportunities in mainstream education is very important when removing barriers. Dif? culties in learning often comes from an unsuitable environment or inappropriate grouping of pupils, in? exible teaching method styles, or inaccessible curriculum materials as much as from individual childrens physical, sensory or cognitive impairments.Childrens emotional and mental health needs may also have a signi? cant impact on their ability to make the most of the opportunities in school. Schools are committed to removing the barriers to learning that many children encounter in school. The National Curriculum contains a statutory statement, Inclusion providing effective learning opportunities for all pupils. All OFSTED inspections reports implementing this requirement. Schools need to become more effective at responding to the needs of individual pupils through a Inclusion Development Programme.The programme will support partnership projects involving education, health and social care, voluntary organisations, higher education institutions, special and mainstream schools, and early years settings to develop. The aim is to develop evidence base about what works and build about how to implement good practice most effectively. Focusing initially on autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) behavioural, emotio nal and social dif? culties (BESD) speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and dyslexia moderate learning dif? culties (MLD).The Inclusion Development Programme will support schools and early years settings through teaching and learning resources for teachers and early years practitioners training materials for, and advice on, effective deployment of learning support assistants guidance on effective classroom strategies models of good practice for working in multi-disciplinary teams information about where to go for more specialist advice and support other great way when trying to remove barries is sharing expertise between special and mainstream schools.Breaking down the divide between mainstream and special schools to create a uni? ed system where all schools and their pupils are included within the wider community of schools. Educating children with the most severe and complex needs can be harder. However having strengthened parents that choose a mainstream place for their child, at the same time we recognise thatsome children have such severe and complex needs that they require more specialist provision than is currently available in most mainstream schools.Providing transport for children with SEN helps cutting back to cost, which enables children to be included and not at a disadvantage. Improving specialist advice and support for schools, parents, children and staff. Schools need access to specialist SEN advice and support to help them identify and meet childrens needs and to provide back-up when childrens needs suddenly change or crises occur. Raising expectations and achievementSchools provides education that brings out the best in every child, that builds on their strengths, enables them to develop a love of learning and helps them to grow into con? dent and independent. You can see great progress in the achievement of pupils in primary and secondary schools in recent years. But we need to do much more to help all children, including those with SEN to achieve as well as they can, not least if we are to reach the challenging national targets pass judgment of all schools.All teachers should have the skills and con?dence and access to specialist advicewhere and when necessary to help children with SEN to reach their potential improved data giving parents and teachers a clearer conniption of how well children working below age-related expectations are progressing young people able to follow courses which build on their interests and aptitudes and lead to recognised quali? cations young people with SEN actively involved in decisions about their education and options to have real opportunities for progression, training and work.Schools will put children with SEN at the heart of personalised learning, helping schools to vary the maltreat and approach to learning to meet individual childrens needs deliver practical teaching and learning resources to raise the achievement of children with SEN strengthen the focus in Key Stage 3 on young people with SEN who are falling behind their peers Personalising learning for children with SEN embraces every aspect of school life including teaching and learning strategies, ICT, curriculum choice,organisation and timetabling, assessment arrangements and relationships with the local community. asserting improvements in the quality of special school will help promote leadership and management training for special school head teachers and managers increase access to diversity programmes in the special school sector to improve the curriculum develop tools to help local authorities to identify potentially failing special schools Its very imortant that schools Improve training and professional development opportunitie.Every teacher should expect to teach children with SEN and must ensure that they are equipped with the skills to do so effectively. This will require action at three levels of skills. Delivering improvements in partnership Schools are more consis tency between local authorities in their strategic management of SEN, particularly in their use of statements, the level of delegated funding to schools. schools regularly reviewing the effectiveness of their SEN , with LEAs providing support and contend where concerns are raised parents with greater con?Dence that their childs SEN will be met in school, whether or not they have a statement greater integration of education, health and social care to meet the needs of children and families in line with the proposals set out Schools will promote more consistent practice through a team of expert, working closely with the Department for Education, who will provide support and challenge on key SEN issues including the use of statements, management of SEN resources, identifying and sharing good practice and tackling underperformance.The networking and collaboration facilitated by the SEN will support this work. They will make SEN Regional Partnerships directly accountable to the Depar tment for Education and Skills for their work on the implementation of this strategy. Ensure that schools make inclusion an integral part of self-evaluation. Role of teaching assistants who work with children with SEN Teaching assistants who work with children with SEN and disabilities, often referred to as Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), play a valuable role, providing one-to-one support to children with SEN as well as wider support in the classroom.However, research suggests that individual support from an LSA can in some cases lead to less involvement by the teacher, leaving the LSA to deliver most of the curriculum. It is important that teachers and LSAs play complementary roles, avoiding over-dependence on the LSA and depriving the child of teacher attention. Similarly, whilst making due allowance for special needs, it is important that children do not rely excessively on the LSA or solely on one-to-one help.If they are supported to learn within peer groups, they will be be tter able to develop social and collaborative skills enabling them to move towards increasingly independent learning. galore(postnominal) schools have a mission statement which sets out the commitment of the school which focuses on inclusion and equality of opportunity. They are easily avaliable on their websites or can be asked for. There must also be written policies, designed to re? ect the rights and responsibilities of those within the school environment.Policies should also provide guidance for sta? and visitors to the school on ways to ensure inclusive practice. Schools have to conduct policies for many thing which leads to having many many policies. There may be a number of separate policies or they may be combined. Policies must include ways that schools work in relation to ? race/cultural diversity ? equality of opportunity/inclusive practice ? safeguarding/bullying ? gi ed and talented pupils ? special educational needs ? disability and access.Policies are developed in r esponse to legislation, codes of practice and statutory frameworks. The di? erent ways in which schools promote the rights and equality of opportunity for children and young people must be included in the policies. There is now a greater focus on the outcomes that is, the di? erence that legislation has made to individuals and groups within the school. Schools must monitor the strengths and any weaknesses in policy as they do with each indiviual student and staff.During school inspections, Ofsted also make judgements about the schools inclusiveness. Legislation is frequently amended and changed in response to outcomes, so it is important that staff are familiar with up-to-date policies and procedures within your own setting. This help protect not only the pupils but staff and head of the school. The development of legislation, policies and practice should be seen as a cycle. The cycle goes like this Legislation. . Practice and pr.